Blue Recovery Beach Day 4 – Falmouth

Rock Pools, Crabs and Pasties!

Falmouth’s Castle and Tunnel Beach were home to many amazing wildlife discoveries this week for our fourth Blue Recovery Beach Day… from giant spider crabs to devils crabs, there was loads to find!

Starting out at the beautiful Princess Pavilion, we welcomed all this week’s participants – some returning and some new. It was a day full of sunshine and much needed sunscreen!

Of course there was our classic Blue Recovery Wildlife Quiz which the adults and children enjoyed getting a taster of some of the exciting creatures that were to come!



Splitting into two groups, we all headed down to the beach. Our families group, led by Marine Biologist Dr Ben Holt, headed to Tunnel Beach, whilst our citizen scientists headed to Castle Beach. Our focus was on finding as many crabs as possible and there were loads of amazing species! One of our volunteers Emma, found a humongous spider crab which mesmerised the kids when we displayed him in our tanks back at the Pavilion! Once again seeing everyone so engaged with our local beaches and wildlife was an amazing experience and certainly proved once again, our Blue Recovery Beach Day was a success.

We later on returned to the Pavilion after a fantastic session of rock pooling with a worked up appetite. The Pavilion provided some delicious pasties for lunch along with some refreshing juice and coffee!


This week we encompassed our first ‘See Our Shore’ session into the day where we displayed all our amazing participant’s discoveries in our water tanks to the public. There were a lot of gasps when they realised the size of the Spider Crab! Our marine wildlife showcase was a success and captivated all those passing by.

The Falmouth team would like to say a big thank you to those who came along as well to our staff and volunteers who are making these days a real success.

Fancy joining us next time for a day of rock pool discovery? If so, click here to book your place!

Hope to see you there next time!

Images from the day:

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